
Just getting so sad and disappointed when adults acts in a very unrespectful way. People should help people. I am not a robot whitout feelings, I need to feel and I am so sad over this. Over not knowing if things are going right. Maybe I've wasted 3 years over nothing. This is a problem I hope would find its place in this world, a good place I can be proud of. Unfortunately the light isn't that bright. What else has to come? 

Broken inside and out. Keep that inner strength girl! Believe in U, and think that U are gonna make it! Because U can! 

Be strong girl! 

Always trying to think positive.


Här är resultatet på min redovisning från min Bildkurs. I mitt egna arbete valde jag att fota eftersom det är en av mina stora passioner. I dessa bilder har jag valt att fota "knoppar" som ska skildra mitt stadie i livet. En knopp som väntar på att få blomma ut, dock en aning gammal knopp som fått ta stryk men som ändå fortsatt att växa.